Business Information

Licenses required to operate an Electronic Security/Life Safety Company in state of Nevada

NOTE: This list is meant to be a general reference list for Nevada Security Association members.

It does not include every municipality that may require licensing. If you provide services in a certain town, you must also get the applicable state and county licenses.
Information may have been updated since the time this list was compiled. Make contact with the municipalities where your company will be doing business for the most recent information.


State of Nevada Licenses



NV State Business License
Every business operating in the State of Nevada is required to obtain a State of Nevada Business License through the Office of the Nevada Secretary of State.


NV State Sales Taxation Permit 

Link  866-962-3707

For companies that do sales in NV (not service or installation)


NV State Contractors License

Website Link

Northern NV: 775-688-1141
Southern NV: 702-486-1100
– Low Voltage C-2D
– Fire Detection C-2C
– Fire Protection Contracting C-41
NV Contractor’s board does not require licensing for monitoring. Check with local jurisdictions for their requirements


State Fire Marshall License
– Type F

FAQ’s – Fire Protection Licensing

Nevada Revised Statute NRS 477 – State Fire Marshal

NV State Fire Marshall does not require licensing for monitoring. Check with local jurisdictions for their requirements.


County Licenses



CLARK COUNTY (most of Southern NV)
702-455-4252 Link

CC Business License Office Hours: M – Thurs 7:30am – 5:30pm, excluding Holidays. CLOSED FRIDAYS
Clark County Municipal Code 6.76
Business License – “Regulated Alarm business license” – the term Regulated is similar to Privilege (required for in-state or out-of-state monitoring companies also). NO multijurisdictional license available for Regulated Alarm license. 


Security Safety Sales License – for companies selling security equipment
Clark County Contractor’s License – Henderson, City of Las Vegas, City of North Las Vegas and Clark County all offer multi-jurisdictional contractor’s license.

Sheriff’s/Work Card – Link  CC Code Title 6, 6.76.090 No burglar alarm systems licensee shall employ, and no person shall accept employment as an employee of a burglar alarm system licensee until such employee shall have registered and obtained a sheriff’s card.  Employers must appear in person at the LVMPD Fingerprint Bureau to obtain Sheriff’s/work card applications to provide to employees.  Or letter signed from business owner on company letterhead giving permission for key employee to pick up the work card application forms for the company. Name on letter must be the same as name on Regulated Alarm Business license. This application must be completed by the employee and signed by the employer. Renewal- 5 year. 

Clark County Low Voltage Technician License – commercial jobs only. It’s not required for single family dwellings (exemption (N) in 22.02.200 of CC Building Administrative Code). Multi-family is considered commercial. Link


775.328.3733 Link
Business License
No Privilege License needed in unincorporated Washoe County
You can use the “Multi-Jurisdictional License Process” to apply for licensing in Reno, Sparks or Washoe County at your home jurisdiction

Security Alarm Permit – As of Sept. 8, 2024, Washoe County no longer requires burglar alarm permits. 


DOUGLAS COUNTY (covers parts of Lake Tahoe)
No business/privilege license needed Link


Business License
775-962-5165 Link


Business License
775-463-6501 Link


Business License
775-751-7040 Link







(702) 293-9219 Link

Business license
Boulder City Contractor’s License


775-887-2105 Link
Business license
No Privilege License needed


775-777-7138 Link
Business License


Business License
No Privilege license needed


702-267-1730  LINK

Henderson Municipal Code 4.18 

“Privilege Alarm” Business license – required for monitoring companies and any company that installs alarm interface devices (i.e. panel). If you only install wiring or cameras with NO interface, then only need contractor’s license. NO multijurisdictional license available for Privilege Alarm license.

City of Henderson Contractor’s license – Henderson, City of Las Vegas, City of North Las Vegas and Clark County all offer multijurisdictional contractor’s license at your home jurisdiction. 


(702) 229-6281 Link
City of Las Vegas Municipal Code 6.18 ELECTRONIC SECURITY SERVICES

Business license – Checklist for Electronic Security Services
Privilege License – Privilege license required for those who supply, sell, install, maintain, service, repair or monitor electronic security systems. NO multijurisdictional license available for Privilege Alarm license.
City of Las Vegas Contractor’s license – Henderson, City of Las Vegas, City of North Las Vegas and Clark County all offer multijurisdictional contractor’s license at your home jurisdiction. 


Business license Link


Business license Link
City of North Las Vegas Contractor’s license – Henderson, City of Las Vegas, City of North Las Vegas and Clark County all offer multijurisdictional contractor’s license at your home jurisdiction. NO multijurisdictional license available for Privilege Alarm license.


Business License Link
775-727-5107 ext. 307


775-334-2090 Link   

City of Reno Municipal Code 8.06.055

Business License – issued by the City of Reno’s business license division to an alarm installation company or monitoring company to sell, install, monitor, repair, or replace alarm systems.
Privilege license – for all alarm companies that cold-call or solicit door to door (re-apply quarterly). Alarm companies that sell by appointment only do not need Privilege license. Can’t use Multi-jurisdictional application for Privilege license.
City of Reno Security Alarm License – means the license issued by the police department to an alarm installation company or monitoring company to sell, install, monitor, repair or replace alarm systems. The term does not include a business license issued by the City of Reno’s business license division or a license issued by the State Fire Marshal for fire alarm systems. 

You can use the “Multi-Jurisdictional License Process”  to apply for licensing in Reno, Sparks or Washoe County at your home jurisdiction.

City of Reno Alarm permits – Alarm user must obtain an alarm registration from the City for each property that utilizes a commercial or residential alarm system. 


775-353-2360  Link   

City of Sparks Municipal Code 9.06

Business License
City of Sparks Security Alarm license a) Every alarm installation company and every alarm monitoring company shall obtain a City of Sparks Security Alarm License from the Police Department. The Security Alarm License must be obtained prior to the issuance or renewal of a business license for the period of time covered by the security alarm license.

You can use the “Multi-Jurisdictional License Process” to apply for licensing in Reno, Sparks or Washoe County at your home jurisdiction.

City of Sparks Alarm Permit –  New alarm systems are required to have a valid permit with the City of Sparks/PMAM within ten (10) days of the installation or activation date of your alarm system  annually. 


Contact Us

For general inquiries or information on our organization, please use the contact information below or submit a message using the contact form.



1000 N Green Valley Pkwy. #440-643, Henderson, NV 89074


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